

Seen July 2023



Caught in Theatres



Quality (9.5)


Enjoyment (10)


Disappointment (-1)

Score 103%

Why did I rewatch

Someone was hosting a 70mm screening of interstellar and it was a dream to watch this movie in imax esp proper 70mm 1.43 : 1 screen
While watching the film, I realised this is only the third (maybe fourth) time I’ve seen a nolan movie in theatres - saw interstellar (in central only once), dunkirk (in forum, remember only once; maybe twice) and that is so odd to me cause I love nolan and his filmography so much
This was an experience, and wow the 1.43 : 1 scenes were incredible - I’ve talked about how much I love this theatre but in the hands of a true imax master like nolan it is something else.
I think nolan really has a way with sound in imax theatres, most movies even in imax (like mi yesterday) feel too quite and don’t shake your body - this was like my dunkirk experience where nolan and zimmer gave me goosebumps and were able to take me on a ride.
I really wish two things were a bit diff:
  • I hadn’t seen interstellar in years - I saw on my puny ipad just a few weeks ago 🚀Interstellar, even given this the movie was able to bring me to tears which says something about this experience
  • That nolan had shot more of this movie in 70mm imax or at least not had so many diff aspect ratio or at the very least shot the stuff in murphy room in imax (or 70mm) - the cutting between 70mm, imax and normal was def a bit weird at sometimes but I realise the tech wasn’t fully there yet
All this is to say I am super excited, even more so than I was for Oppenheimer - I really wish it is good and not like tenet
This is going to be one of those imax theatre experiences I remember for a long time → like dunkirk or the first interstellar viewing (non imax) or dune or iw (not so much for the imax). It was almost like rediscovering imax like that first imax viewing of dunkirk - something I didn’t get from gotg or atsv or flash or esp mi 7 on this amazing screen.